
Did You Know:

Truancy is the action of staying away from school without good reason; absenteeism

Chronic Absences is missing 10 percent or greater of the total number of days enrolled during the school year for any reason. It includes both excused, unexcused, out-of-school

High School Dropout is a person who has abandoned a course of study. Someone who has left an educational institution without completing the course.

Texas Compulsory Attendance Law

Students who are at least six years of age, or who have been previously enrolled in first grade, and who have not yet reached their 19th birthday shall attend school for the entire period the program is offered, unless exempted as indicated below. On enrollment in prekindergarten or kindergarten, a student shall attend school


1. Talk to your student about the importance of school attendance and education

2. Make sure your child eat breakfast before going to school or eat breakfast at the school.

3. Prepare your student for school with required supplies and clothes. If you need assistance, contact your student’s school.

4. Drop your student off at school in the morning and watch him/her enter the building.

5. Take an active interest in your student’s schoolwork. Ask them to demonstrate what they learned in school. Know the kids your student associates with.

6. Look for early signs of your student’s decision that school is not worthwhile. Monitor changes in friendships, teachers, or classrooms or even the loss of a pet or family member.

7. Regularly contact the school office to make sure your student is attending school. Check in with his or her teachers on a regular basis. Get to know the principal and attendance clerk.

8. Encourage your student to engage in the school by joining clubs or participating in sports.

9. Ask your student how you can help. Think about what situations he or she might face and talk about ways to handle these situations before they occur.

10. Talk to your student about their fears and teach them when and how to ask for help. Make sure you end on a good note.

11. Talk to your student about bad behavior. Use consequences and redirect to good behavior and praise them for it.

12. Discuss with your student the reasons she/he has been truant.

13. Make sure you communicate with the school nurse if your child has a medical condition and need to take medication at school.

14. Talk to your student about COVID-19 and ways to stay safe at school. Be open and listen, be supportive and be honest.

15. Make sure your contact information is always updated at your student school in case of an emergency.